Monday, August 11, 2014

A loss like no other

The loss that each of you has endured is a loss like no other. A mother's greatest fear is that something will happen to her child and you have faced that fear. You have endured that loss. You have heard the horrific news that your baby is no longer with you. You have stood still in shock. You have asked God, "Why?" You have cried more tears that you thought possible. You have attempted to pick up the pieces and live a new normal. You have relived the pain everyday as you think about what your baby would look like, be like now.

Dear one, you have endured a great loss. Give yourself permission to grieve that very real, very deep loss. This blog is designed to give you a place to find understanding, comfort, encouragement, and connection with other mothers who are aching to hold their babies.

You may have empty arms and a broken heart but you are not alone. We, at Ruah Touch, are here to listen, to comfort, and to help in any way we can. Please feel free to comment on blog posts and share your stories as well.

May the God of all comfort fill you with peace knowing that He is holding your baby safely in His arms as He holds you too.